Saturday, June 09, 2007

Bomoh's Squat - Tibetan Dzi Bead

The controversy surrounding dZi beads stems from their mysterious origins more than a millenium ago and also from the beautiful legends that have been passed down about them over the centuries in Tibet, that ancient kingdom in the snow.

Stories of stones dropping from Heaven can be traced back to a Buddhist sutra that records a Himalayan legend about an evil spirit who would from time to time descend to the world of men to cause plagues and disasters. Fortunately, a benevolent god took pity on the humans and cultivated its powers in Heaven, causing the beads to fall from Heaven. Those whose good fate it was to obtain one would thus be protected from misfortunes and all kinds of evil. Different variations on this same basic legend are found all over Tibet.

Whether dZi beads are spiritual bugs or stones fallen from Heaven, they bring good karma to those who own them. Since having a dZi bead can bring good fortune, health and wealth, affluent Tibetans have long been avid collectors of these legendary jewels. As long as 1300 years ago, The New History of the Tang Dynasty recorded that Tibetans liked to wear dZi beads, "a single one of which could be traded for a horse." From this you can see the high value that was placed on them.

Five Eyed Five directional wealth gods – accumulate wealth / goodluck and material gain / gain useful people, more money, valuables & food/ good fortune / fulfill success and wishes.

1 comment:

Anna said...


I like your blog, it represents a sense of Zen. And I like your introductions of Dzi Beads and other spiritual articles.:)

There is a Dzi Beads website which also has great Dzi Beads pics and detailed information.